School Information
Parents & Families
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework for organizing systems and practices that focus on creating a positive and supportive school culture for all. PBIS is NOT a curriculum, intervention, or practice, but is a decision making framework that guides selection, integration and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for ALL students. This three-tiered model focuses heavily on school-wide core features, which are in place at our school and are available to all students at all times.
PBIS schools organize their evidence-based behavioral practices and systems into an integrated collection or continuum in which students experience support based on their behavioral responsiveness to intervention. A three-tiered prevention logic requires that all students receive support at the universal or primary tier. If the behavior of some students is not responsive, more intensive behavioral supports are provided, in the form of a group contingency (selected or secondary tier) or a highly individualized plan (intensive or tertiary tier).